Apple also said that Siri is now used on more than 500 million devices. Having missed the holiday shopping cycle,…
Google is temporarily halting advertisements worldwide for addiction and rehabilitation centers, following a report last week showing it was acting as a…
It turns out that Chrome has a little issue. There is a bug in Chrome’s browser which causes it to…
Almost everyone has some for of mobile device. It is noticeable that Google has made multiple changes to the appearance…
Budweiser has been declared a big winner from super bowl 49 all because of a commercial known as “Lost Dog”….
On January 21st there was Two big news events which came out of Microsoft’s “Windows 10 Briefing”. Microsoft’s digital assistant…
The search engine Yahoo has been aiming towards mobile. Yahoo, under Marissa Mayer’s leadership, has been making progress in building…
Is Twitter going to one day lose its place to Instagram as the primary social news service? Instagram seems to…
Yahoo has been reported to have moved up in market shares. For some time Yahoo hasn’t been top in terms…
There is a new Facebook update out in this month for pages. You get to try it before everyone’s page…